Below are a collection of passion projects, creative explorations, and tools I've created along the way.

3D Challenge

A group of 3D artists across Microsoft hold a for-fun seasonal 3D animation challenge. We're supplied a camera and basic object- in this case a cube.

This was my entry in the fall challenge of 2022. Inspired by classic Halloween troped and my own childhood yard, this short animation project was a delightful opportunity to explore various animation techniques and fog simulation and compositing using Embergen.

Cinema4D Camera Rig

3D cameras are cumbersome. Camera morphs. Aligning to splines. Spring constraints. Yuck.

In my ongoing efforts to build tools to help me do better work faster, I put together a custom camera rig. It pulls together the best ideas from rigs by Viktor Kishankov and Woosung Kang and adds a better rig display and some additional controls like framing, offsets, and an easy to use dolly zoom feature. Feel free to download the rig and give it a try. Let me know if you find it useful!

3D cameras are cumbersome. Camera morphs. Aligning to splines. Spring constraints. Yuck.

In my ongoing efforts to build tools to help me do better work faster, I put together a custom camera rig. It pulls together the best ideas from rigs by Viktor Kishankov and Woosung Kang and adds a better rig display and some additional controls like framing, offsets, and an easy to use dolly zoom feature. Feel free to download the rig and give it a try. Let me know if you find it useful!